Thursday, May 8, 2008

Movie Review...ERAGON

Eragon lives with his uncle Garrow and cousin Roran on a farm on the outskirts of a small village called Carvahall. While hunting in the Spine, a large range of mountains, Eragon is surprised to see a polished blue stone appear in front of him. A few days later, Eragon witnesses a baby dragon hatch from the "stone", and realizes that it is in actuality, a dragon egg. After a talk with the town's elderly storyteller, Brom, Eragon names the dragon Saphira. He raises the dragon in secret until two of King Galbatorix's servants, the Ra'zac, come to Carvahall looking for the egg. Eragon and Saphira manage to escape by hiding in the forest, but Garrow is fatally wounded and the house and farm are burned down. Once Garrow dies, Eragon is left with no reason to stay in Carvahall, so he goes after the Ra'zac, seeking vengeance for the destruction of his home and his uncle's death. He is accompanied by Brom, an elderly story-teller, who insists on helping him and Saphira.Eragon lives with his uncle Garrow and cousin Roran on a farm on the outskirts of a small village called Carvahall. While hunting in the Spine, a large range of mountains, Eragon is surprised to see a polished blue stone appear in front of him. A few days later, Eragon witnesses a baby dragon hatch from the "stone", and realizes that it is in actuality, a dragon egg. After a talk with the town's elderly storyteller, Brom, Eragon names the dragon Saphira. He raises the dragon in secret until two of King Galbatorix's servants, the Ra'zac, come to Carvahall looking for the egg. Eragon and Saphira manage to escape by hiding in the forest, but Garrow is fatally wounded and the house and farm are burned down. Once Garrow dies, Eragon is left with no reason to stay in Carvahall, so he goes after the Ra'zac, seeking vengeance for the destruction of his home and his uncle's death. He is accompanied by Brom, an elderly story-teller, who insists on helping him and Saphira.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Snap Shot for ERAGON movie

  1. Close Up
A few scene of the close up have been taken especially
zoom in to the eyes. It is to show the expression about what
happen and what is going on.This scene is all about
Eragon when he shocked when he saw that stone
that he get is a blue egg.

2. Long Shot

Long shot means a shot taken with the camera at a
distance from its subject This part show us when
Durza get hurt by Eragon.
It show he is in pain.

3. Extreme Long Shot
In this movie extreme long shot also have been taken.
Long shot means shot notable because of the
extreme distance between camera and subject.
This scene show us when Durza riding his Black Magic
to destroyed Eragon and his rider,Saphira.

4. Close Up
A few scene of the close up have been taken
especially zoom in to face.This scene show
us Eragon feel scared when his dragon ,
Saphira that he riding lost in control.

5. Facial Expression

Facial Expression to show us feling of the character on that scene.Eragon feel angry to Saphira because ofhis uncle'sdeath.He trying to save him but failed .